Practical August Lawn Care Tips for San Antonio Homeowners

As we step into August, San Antonio homeowners know what’s on the horizon. The sun’s harsh glare, rising temperatures, and sporadic rainfall make this month a challenge for keeping a verdant and healthy lawn. But don’t worry, with the right knowledge and guidance, you can ensure your lawn stays vibrant and full of life. At Lawn DR Landscaping, we’ve spent years nurturing lawns across Texas, and we’re eager to share our expert advice to guide you through this taxing month. Here are our essential August lawn care tips.


1. Watering Wisely


With average temperatures often climbing into the high 90s, August in San Antonio is a hot, dry month. Your lawn will need a deep, thorough watering to combat the relentless heat. But timing and technique are vital to avoid water wastage or damage to your grass.


For maximum water absorption, aim to water your lawn in the early morning, when temperatures are cooler, and evaporation is less likely. You’ll want to saturate the soil to a depth of about six inches to encourage deeper root growth and increased drought resistance. Avoid watering in the evening to minimize the risk of diseases which thrive in damp, cool conditions overnight.


2. Mowing and Height


A common mistake homeowners make is cutting their grass too short. During these hot summer months, it’s recommended to set your mower to the highest setting and leave your grass a little taller. The added height provides more shade to the soil, reducing water evaporation and protecting the roots from the intense summer heat.


Remember to sharpen your mower blades regularly. Dull blades can tear grass, leading to a jagged edge that loses more moisture and is more susceptible to disease.


3. Aerate and De-thatch


Foot traffic, mowing, and natural compaction over time can make the soil beneath your lawn become compacted. This prevents air, water, and nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass. August is a great time to aerate your lawn. Aeration involves making small holes in the soil to allow better absorption of essential elements.


Also, if your lawn has a thick layer of thatch—a mix of dead grass, roots, and debris—lying between the grass blades and soil surface, it can restrict water and nutrient access to the roots. You can use a dethatching rake or machine to remove this layer and ensure better absorption of water and nutrients.


4. Pest and Disease Control


San Antonio’s summer heat can also attract various pests and diseases to your lawn. Regularly check for signs of damage—brown patches, small chewed areas, or sudden die-offs might signal a pest problem. Consider eco-friendly pest control solutions, or call in a professional for severe infestations.


5. Fertilize


If your lawn is looking a little lackluster, it might be time to feed it with a high-quality, slow-release fertilizer. A good rule of thumb is to fertilize about four times per year, and early August is an ideal time. Make sure you water thoroughly after applying to prevent burning your lawn.


6. Overseed as Needed


Overseeding—in which you sow new grass seeds into your existing lawn—can help fill in any thin or bare spots and improve your lawn’s overall density and color. Choose a grass variety that’s well-suited to San Antonio’s warm climate, such as Bermuda grass or St. Augustine grass.


August can be a challenging month for San Antonio lawns, but with these practical lawn care tips, you can keep your green space thriving. Remember, a healthy lawn is not just beautiful to look at; it can also increase your property value, reduce soil erosion, and even contribute to a healthier environment.


Keep these tips in mind and if you need help, Lawn DR Landscaping is just a call away. We’re here to ensure your lawn is not just surviving, but thriving, even in the toughest summer months.